training school
What is a DTS
You’re about to embark on an adventure with God that will change your life. In six intensive months, you will learn about God and yourself, experience different cultures, and learn what it means to truly follow Jesus.
A discipleship training school (or DTS) is a full-time program that consists of two parts: lecture phase and outreach phase. In the lecture phase, you will learn more about God and His Kingdom. You’ll learn not only from lectures, but also from community living and practical training. The outreach phase focuses on applying what you learned during lecture phase through a cross-cultural experience.
Let the journey begin!
Our Discipleship Training School will equip you to be a messenger to the world. Whether it be at your future workplace or in another culture as a missionary, you are called to share the Good News and bring about transformation around you!
As you hear the stories and learn from our international speakers, you will experience God in new and powerful ways. You will be strengthened in your faith and grow towards Jesus´ likeness.
Here are some of the topics we cover within the first part of the DTS:
That is our first priority for the schools: Focusing on God! We believe in a Father who is present and who loves to be with His family.
You will learn how to maintain a lifestyle of prayer and worship with the awareness that living with Jesus is being constantly connected with Him!
We will have corporate prayer and worship times, as well as reserved times where you personally can develop your relationship with God.
Being connected with Him will transform you into His likeness.
What you bring into the school is significant.
In a safe community environment, you have the opportunity to try new things, explore hidden talents, and grow with your fellow students. We believe that there is great potential in each student that God wants to use to change the world.
Not only will you share a classroom, but also live daily life together.
You don’t want to keep the things you have learned for yourself. That’s the overflow.
Becoming more passionate and in love with Jesus will enable you to naturally share with people out of your comfort zone.
You will join one of our weekly ministries out on the streets or in the parks and neighborhoods, reaching people in need of an encounter with God.
We expect God to show up when we take a step out in faith. That can look different for each one of us, as we share encouraging words, pray for people to get healed, tell our testimonies, and reach the lost for His Kingdom, bringing restoration and freedom. This is what Jesus invites us into, to co-work with Him!
Outreach is 10 weeks of hands-on exposure to cross-cultural missions through evangelism, mercy ministries and practical support.
An estimated 250 million people have no access to the word of God at all and many more have not encountered the salvation power of Jesus. The need is great. You are part of the answer!
Because He lives in you, you have what it takes to bring hope to the hopeless, and to help those in need, demonstrating the Kingdom of God on earth.
The breakthroughs and revelations you gain during lecture phase will enable you to serve and minister to others in new ways.
Whether it be through evangelism, sharing the gospel, praying for the sick, and worshipping on the streets; or practical work like building homes, helping to clean devastated areas, and bringing the Bible into unreached regions, there will be many opportunities for you to apply what you have learned.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Part of following Jesus means to reach and transform nations, and to teach them about God´s nature and His Kingdom.
If you look at the map further down the page, you’ll see the nations we have been to since YWAM Freiburg was founded in 2012.
The mission is clear: To go into all the world.
Traveling to another nation will also enrich your life with many new experiences. The different food, climate, vegetation, architecture, the way people live their lives…it’s pure adventure!
If you have never been in another culture before, here is your opportunity.

Countries WE have visited

Cambodia, Vietnam, South Africa, Middle East, Czech, France, USA, Mexico, Equador,
Peru, Columbia, India, Nepal, Brazil, Thailand, Spain, Antilles, Zambia, Tanzania, Chile, Argentina, Phillippines, Madagascar, Bolivia
DTS 2021
United DTS 2022
September 2022 - March 2023
It is God’s heart and will that diverse people come together in a united love for Jesus to discover, to encourage, to challenge and to grow what God has put in them.
Cycling DTS
May 2023 - October 2023
Do you have a heart for bringing the good news on the streets of Europe? Are you ready for your biggest physical challenge? Then the Cycling DTS is just right for you!
United DTS 2025
September 2025 - March 2026
It is God’s heart and will that diverse people come together in a united love for Jesus to discover, to encourage, to challenge and to grow what God has put in them.